Sex Workers Need Each Other
Posted on: 02/18/2018Sex work can take on many different forms. It can be stripping, being a phone sex operator, being a Femdom/Dominatrix, or being an escort plus many other things can fall into sex work. Sex work is a unique field as you are pretty much a solo agent or independent contractor. There are no co-workers, HR department, or assigned manager. We end up finding community within each other, within those who know the continual struggle we go through.
Being part of a community means helping to look after that community. Sharing valuable knowledge and wealth helps to educate the newbies and renew a sense of unity. I am happy to announce there is a new sex work e-zine, The Hustle Life. It is created by, ran by, and for sex workers. The e-zine will be quarterly and sent to those who sign up via email. All submissions are open to current and retired/past sex workers. Topics like recipes, self care, safety, advertising tips, and sex industry politics will be covered in the e-zine.
Sex workers who like to send a submission should email